Tag: life

Posted on February 21, 2018
Where Did You Come From? – Creation Basics 4
What is evolution? Where did humans and animals come from? What makes humans different from animals? Why is there so much variety among animals and plants? What about cave men? Whether through TV shows, movies, books, school, or …

Posted on January 22, 2016
Be Still Already!
You’re running late. Someone forgot to send that thing you need to meet that deadline tomorrow, so you’re scrambling to figure out something else. Things are tense at work. Bedtime is not happening like it should for these …

Updated on January 15, 2016
Life’s First Cry
I tried to breath as quietly as possibly, as mixed anticipation and excitement in the room grew. Suddenly, amid the other sounds of labor and childbirth, the first cry of a little baby reached my ears. Hearing that …

Posted on October 30, 2015
Monarch of the Garden
I suddenly caught my breath and froze when I noticed the flash of bright orange and black fluttering above the pure, white flowers. There was a huge, pristine Monarch butterfly perched perfectly on a flower. After quickly tip-toeing …

Posted on October 9, 2015
Picking Through Gray Days – And Finding Treasure
This poem uses a personal reflection of delicate work on fossils to illustrate points about work, success, and life in general. It’s written from the author’s experience working on fossil field jackets – essentially big chunks of rock …

Posted on September 4, 2015
Park’s Ranch Cave – Part 1
Half excited and half dreading the cold, murky cave waters, I sat down on the wet cave floor and slid down the natural slide into the 55-degree (F) water. I had gotten used to wading through the water …

Posted on July 9, 2015
Designed to Do Things His Way
“What’s that?!” I asked when I saw the creature disappearing into the woods. “It’s a woodchuck” my friends explained. I was thrilled – I didn’t remember ever having seen a real woodchuck just running around by the side …

Posted on June 26, 2015
Loves’ Perfect Reference Point
Are you more likely to turn to your brain or your heart when you are facing a problem or making an important decision? As a “geeky girl” I’ve experimented a little with balancing the heart and the head …

Posted on June 12, 2015
Fish Tales
The whirling wind swirled my once-neatly pulled back hair in every direction as I intently chipped away at the dirt around the fossil. Almost breathless with anticipation, my excitement grew every time we brushed away the dirt to reveal yet …

Posted on May 1, 2015
Chemicals to Life?
How exactly did the first living things come into being were they formed by lighting electrocuting lifeless chemicals or were they spoken into existence by the Word of a Divine Creator? This topic came up in my historical …