Tag: logic

God, Are You There?

Before we explore the reasons why Theistic evolution, the belief that God used evolution to create, doesn’t work, we first need to discuss how we know that God is real. Furthermore, we can’t just prove that a god …

Solving the Mystery

We are back in the court room, that we discussed six weeks ago in the post, “A Curious Case”.  The day for the decision has arrived and you are the judge.  There is a lot at stake; it’s …

The Rocks Cry Out

Dinosaur bones and coal still containing radiocarbon; Radical two-ring radiohalos; Traces of C-14 in diamonds; Helium held captive by granite; problems in the underlying logic behind radioisotope dating; These hidden wonders of science truly display the glory of …

The Baby Creator

The crowded streets smelled awful from the many animals carrying people in and out of the little town.  The steady swaying of the animal and constant stopping made the rider, a young peasant woman, feel sick.  Worst of …

Why Science?

This week, I have been doing some research for a presentation I am assigned to do for my geology class this semester.  I plan to post at least some of what I find here on a later date.  …

Logical Assumptions

Everyone makes some assumptions.  It’s not wrong to make assumptions, as long as we know what assumptions we are making and know that they are solid, logical, and essential.  Often, people misunderstand scientists as being people who are …

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