Tag: love

Posted on July 31, 2015
Suffering, Sin, and Spectacular Creation
“Why am I in a wheelchair, diabetic, and dying of cancer?” the lady asked pointedly, glaring straight at me. I had just been describing the perfect creation (without any suffering and death) that God declared “very good” at …

Posted on June 26, 2015
Loves’ Perfect Reference Point
Are you more likely to turn to your brain or your heart when you are facing a problem or making an important decision? As a “geeky girl” I’ve experimented a little with balancing the heart and the head …

Posted on April 10, 2015
Trading your Dandelions
Have you been thinking about creation vs. evolution, age of the earth, and how science and the Bible work together? Maybe a lot of the scientific and Biblical evidence make sense to you, but you’re not quite sure …
Posted on December 6, 2013
A Beautiful Poem
This is a beautiful poem that a dear friend of mine wrote. She gave me permission to put it on my blog, but asked to remain anonymous. It is a poem about the heart of woman. I hope …
Posted on October 25, 2013
The Little Things
I have recently become friends with some atheists in one of my college classes. I know that statement may sound counter-intuitive coming from a rather vocal creationist like me, but I’d rather talk to an atheist any day …
Posted on May 17, 2013
Missions and the Great Commission
The young woman waited nervously at the shore for the boat to return to carry the next load of children to safety on the other side. If someone saw them, it would be the end of Gladys Aylward …
Posted on February 16, 2013
Love of the Creator
Love. What does that really mean? I have turned it over again and again in my mind, as if I’m trying to figure out a riddle. Since Valentine’s Day was this week, I thought it would be appropriate …
Posted on January 26, 2013
Standing on the Edge
Jumping on the trampoline in our backyard used to be my favorite outdoor activity, next to swinging on my swing. However, after I sprained my ankle on it when I was twelve, I lost my enthusiasm for it. …