Tag: minerals

White Sands – Creation Clues for Kids Vol 6 No 1

White Sands The howling dry wind whipped all around, making my hair go wild.  The sand was so deep, it swallowed my feet more and more with every step. My sweaty skin felt sticky as it mixed with …

Preserving Pearls

“May I hold it?” I asked, marveling at the two small objects in his hands.  The man placed them in my hands.  Gently, I rolled around the small, imperfectly shaped little ball.  It felt lighter than I had …

Magnificent Minerals – Part 2

“Is this a fossil?  Or petrified wood?”, I was asked during a fossil dig in Kansas last week.  After looking at the item of interest, I explained that the find was not a fossil, but the mineral, gypsum.  …

Magnificent Minerals – Part 1

Captivated by the wonder of the rows upon rows of colorful minerals, I enjoyed slowly looking over each one.  It was like slowly eating a favorite dessert, savoring one bite at a time. After several days of busily …

Daunting Dunes

Battling the ferocious, bone-chilling desert wind of a February morning, I tightly gripped one handle of my sled while the rest of the sled flailed wildly in the wind. Looking out across the wide open field of pure …

Park’s Ranch Cave – Part 2

The light from my headlamp bounced across the dark cave wall, making the microscopic white crystals glisten. Before I got there, I had imagined that crawling through small spaces and swimming through the deep water of Park’s Ranch …

Grand Canyon: Granite Rocks

As a geology student I love to look at, touch, and think about rocks.  However, I am afraid that I do not love all kinds of rocks equally.  My least favorite rocks are the ones that look like …

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