Tag: news

Updated on January 30, 2019
Mad Scientists Make Real Lava
Don’t try this experiment at home! Recently, a group of research scientists in New York State recently re-created lava in the lab. Making and testing lava in a lab certainly sounds like something you would envision a mad scientist doing, but the reason why they did this is actually very good

Updated on December 9, 2016
A New Fossil Tail
Did you ever play the game, “Telephone”, passing a whispered phrase down the line of people? By the time the person on the end blurts out whatever they heard, it’s usually not what the first person said. The …

Updated on June 14, 2017
Dimetrodon Drama
New discoveries and breakthroughs in science can be very exciting – whether it’s the latest modern development in technology or the most recent finds of ancient remains in archaeology and paleontology. But sometimes fascinating new discoveries can be …