Tag: person

Posted on January 27, 2017
He Nose About Breathing
Breathe through my nose? What do you mean? That’s the problem. I can’t breathe through my nose – it’s stuffy! These were my first thoughts when I heard about using certain breathing exercises to help relieve my seasonal …

Posted on January 22, 2016
Be Still Already!
You’re running late. Someone forgot to send that thing you need to meet that deadline tomorrow, so you’re scrambling to figure out something else. Things are tense at work. Bedtime is not happening like it should for these …
Posted on March 8, 2014
“Let it Go” – A Creationists Thoughts on “Frozen”
It was a chilly evening in early January and I was sitting in the back of my friend’s car with the lift-gate wide open, huddling under a pile of blankets and jackets. It may not have seemed like …