Tag: radiohalos

Posted on January 30, 2015
Underground Rocks
I tightened my grip on the raft as a sudden splash of icy brown water made me shiver in spite of the Arizona afternoon sunshine. The light gleamed off the shiny black rock columns towering up the deep …

Updated on April 11, 2018
Where Do Fossil Ages Come From? – Creation Clues For Kids Vol. 2 No.1
Radioisotope Dating Have you ever heard someone at a museum or on TV say something like this “ . . . this T-rex lived 65 million years ago . . .” and wonder how they come up with …
Posted on October 13, 2013
Grand Canyon: Granite Rocks
As a geology student I love to look at, touch, and think about rocks. However, I am afraid that I do not love all kinds of rocks equally. My least favorite rocks are the ones that look like …
Posted on December 15, 2012
Radical Radiohalos
The depth and beauty of the granite countertop of the ice cream shop intrigued me as I slowly enjoyed my cone. There were grey, white, clear, and light pink specks, which I knew to be quartz, peachy colored …