Tag: Sara J. Bruegel

Posted on August 7, 2015
Tracking Dinosaurs
The sticky rubber material clung to my fingers, as I painted it onto the fossil dinosaur footprint. The rubbery mess on my hands bridged the gap between some fingers, reminding me of the webbed feet of a duck. …

Posted on May 8, 2015
Catastrophic Colorado Monument, Part 1
I drew in a sharp breath and held on tightly as we suddenly rounded a narrow curve and I got a good look down the steep edge at the spectacular, sharp rocks far below us. The chilly wind …

Updated on April 11, 2018
God’s Rock Garden – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 4 No. 2
Giant Rock Garden Have you ever seen a rock garden, or made one yourself? A rock garden can often look really cool, with different sizes and colors of rocks arranged in specific ways. There’s an enormous natural “rock …