Tag: volcano

Updated on January 30, 2019
Mad Scientists Make Real Lava
Don’t try this experiment at home! Recently, a group of research scientists in New York State recently re-created lava in the lab. Making and testing lava in a lab certainly sounds like something you would envision a mad scientist doing, but the reason why they did this is actually very good

Updated on May 11, 2017
Four Explosive C’s of Volcanoes
The dreariness of the cloudy, damp afternoon air was negated by my energy and excitement as I walked along the path, stopping every few steps to be enamored with the little things around me. Suddenly, I saw something …

Updated on May 3, 2017
Hawaii Rocks!
Gentle jungle noises of birds and bugs faded as I walked into the large, damp cavern. Green-tinted light reflecting off the dark rain forest canopy suddenly turned into the darkness of a cave with black walls, lit only …

Posted on April 21, 2017
Birth of Hawaii
“Look! There’s the island! Which volcano do you think that is?” I wondered, noticing a mountain peak poking through the layer of clouds as I looked out of the small plane window. We were in the Hawaiian islands, …

Updated on October 8, 2016
Colorful Colorado Clay
Wham-splat! The pick axe hit the muddy wall, then stuck there. I pried it off and scooped off the wet, heavy chunk of clay into a debris bucket. Behind that chunk I noticed a rich variety of colors. …
Posted on July 12, 2012
Glorious Granite
Granite is truly a marvelous rock. Its speckled beauty in and of itself is quite stunning, but there is so much more to its beauty than just its appearance. When people think of granite, they usually think of …