Tag: wichita mountain

Posted on May 6, 2016
Where the Buffalo Roam
Crunch . . . Crunch . . .“Huhhhgh” – a loud sigh followed the heavy noises, close to a tent where the energetic girl and her mother were sleeping. Over breakfast, stories were told of strange noises heard …

Posted on April 29, 2016
Crab Eyes, Fruit, and Rocks
From far away, the two short stacks of rocks, sitting precariously on top of the mountain, looked like they had been put there by someone. As we hiked closer to the “Crab Eyes” rock formation, I started to …

Updated on April 21, 2016
Oklahoma’s Wichita Mountains
Inching my way across the steeply tilted rock, I grabbed the top edge to keep myself steady. The rock felt very rough and sharp. By the end of the day, I had sore, red palms and scratched, bloody …

Updated on April 15, 2016
The narrow, rocky path through the canopy of brush looked very inviting to my weary mind. Like the heavy backpack I carried hiking up the rough path, I had been feeling the problems, decisions, and tasks of daily …