Creation and Abortion

I gently rocked back and forth as I listened to the sermon and looked down at the serene face of the baby sleeping in my arms. She reminded me of how very valuable the life of a little one is and how incredibly such a small child can influence people. Currently in Texas, our state legislature has been trying to pass a bill that will put some safety regulations on abortion clinics, which would shut down many of the abortion facilities in Texas. This has brought up the hot topic of abortion in many circles, so I decided to address it in this circle as well. Those of us who believe that God created everything about six thousand years ago are also pretty strongly pro-life. This is not just a coincidence: Biblical creation and the value of life go hand-in-hand.

Evolution teaches that people are merely glorified pond scum, and that we are no different from the animals we eat. “Survival of the fittest” is a concept that depends on the strong ones building themselves up and the weak ones dying off. On the other hand, the Bible teaches us that we are created specifically by God, in His image, to have dominion over all the rest of His creation. Jesus taught us to love one another and help the poor, sick, and needy. Under evolutionary philosophy, abortion is a logical tool for weeding out the “unfit” people in society, but under the guide of Biblical creation it is wrong because it is murder – taking the life of another image bearer.

Abortion is not about women’s “rights”, but about the principles behind the meaning of life and our origins. Ernest Haeckel is well known for his drawings of human embryos that supposedly had certain stages that looked like different animals, repeating evolutionary sequence. Haeckel was trying to portray unborn babies as non-human, but his drawings were eventually proven to be fraudulent. A baby is a human, and therefore, made in the image of God, unlike any creature on earth. Knowing about our special creation gives us hope and purpose in our lives, even when things look bleak. A person does not have to be healthy or be born under ideal circumstances to be precious in the sight of God.

“For Thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was one of them . . . “ ~ Psalm 139:13-16

5 Comments on “Creation and Abortion

  1. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:26,27
    This is the one and only reason a baby is more precious than any other form of life. Praise God it’s big enough to make that child’s (and every other human’s) worth truly infinite!
    You go, girl!

  2. Abortion is about women’s rights. Comparing Ernst Haeckel’s drawings to portraying humans as animals and supporting abortion is ridiculous. You sound extremely condescending, too, as evolution doesn’t say we are pond scum (As well, abiogenesis and natural selection are totally different). The fact that we have to think of our species as special, though, is incredibly egotistic. I’m sure alien species have gotten use to the fact that they evolved, weren’t always on their planet, and will not always be there, because we on Earth are way too worried about making ourselves feel good.

    • Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I agree with some of the things you are saying. In answer to your first statement about women’s rights, it is important to realize that many of the people being killed in the womb are women – it takes away the rights of millions of innocent and vulnerable women. Abortion hurts women. Studies show that abortion and birth control pills are actually a leading cause of breast cancer (personally, I read about this in World Magazine).

      I apologize if my tone offended you. I strive to keep my blog very logical and clean from the arbitrary and superfluous name-calling that is so common in the blog world. I agree with you that people do tend to be way too self-focused, doing what he or she feels like doing rather than doing what is right. I have enjoyed reading Max Lucado’s book, “It’s Not About Me”, which discusses this issue. You might enjoy reading it too. We should focus on God most of all, making Him King in our hearts, and love others. We are commanded to “fill the earth and subdue it” because we are created in God’s image, different from animals.

      Your comment has proved my point. When a person starts thinking that people are merely animals, he or she does not value human life as it should be valued. Because the focus is not on us, but on God, it is none of our business to decide whether or not another person, made in God’s image, is worthy of life. I enjoy answering real, thought-filled questions but due to the amount of people who simply want to write superfluous hate-talk or make dragged out complaints on blogs, I will only approve a limited number of this kind.

      • What is your opinion on rape or when the pregnancy may kill the mother? Does she have the right then? [removed due to content]

        Sorry if my comment sounded insulting, I used words like “ridiculous” and “condescending” because Ernst Haeckel wasn’t, in any way, trying to support the idea of abortion or comparing humans to animals. It just sounded like you wanted to blame evolution for what we think about women’s rights and abortion today, when that isn’t true.

  3. I am very sorry that I had to remove part of your comment. In my “About” page, I say that my blog is family friendly. I’m sure that there are other conservative blogs that don’t cater to children as much as I do and would be willing to answer your question.

    You asked some very good questions. Rape is a terrible thing because it damages something that God designed for an exclusive relationship. But, the baby can’t help how he or she came to be. There is no reason why a mother that is already suffering from the psychological unrest of rape should have the guilt of killing her own child on top of it. The baby can be given up for adoption.

    I know from personal experience that the second situation is terrible. My Mom had a pregnancy where either we would have to lose both the baby and my Mom or just the baby. In this kind of case, you have to chose the loss of fewer lives because life is precious. It is this experience that makes me want to be so vocal about how wrong abortion is, and actually what sparked my love of creation science.

    How evolution is involved in abortion is the worldview. Evolution is not a scientific theory, it is a philosophy, a worldview. It impacts and guides your thinking in every area of life. Everyone has a worldview, whether they know it or not.

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