Category: Philosophy

Posted on March 21, 2019
Why Creation Clues?
The world is full of bad things: brokenness, evil, death, and pain. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to hunker down and hide from the bad, or are you going to do whatever it takes to be the good you want to see?

Posted on March 15, 2018
Does it Matter if I Believe in Evolution or Creation? – Creation Basics 6
Does it really matter what you think about creation or evolution? Maybe you’re not a “science nerd” and don’t really care about origin science. Why should you care about creation or evolution? Does it really make a difference …

Posted on August 11, 2017
The Human Immune System – Purpose
What is wrong with me? I thought as I caught a glimpse of my pale face and the dark bags under my eyes in the mirror. I was getting tons of sleep, but still felt exhausted and struggling …

Posted on November 18, 2016
Facing the Facts
The late summer evening glow of the setting sun made the trees and rocks of the South Dakota Black Hills reverberate with a final splash of brilliant color before darkness cloaked their splendor for the night. My flip-flops …

Updated on April 15, 2016
The narrow, rocky path through the canopy of brush looked very inviting to my weary mind. Like the heavy backpack I carried hiking up the rough path, I had been feeling the problems, decisions, and tasks of daily …

Posted on March 11, 2016
Well-Rounded Pi
After years of waiting, dreaming, and planning, the long-awaited day had finally come – and it was remarkable! That day was better than I could have imagined, and one day I’ll probably remember for the rest of my …

Posted on March 4, 2016
Shifting Seasons
The spring breeze teased my loose, long hair as it sailed behind me when the swing went up, and cascaded around my shoulders when gravity pulled the swing back. Light from the late afternoon sun filtered through the …

Updated on February 12, 2016
Mathematical Proof of God?
“ . . . I can prove God mathematically using Einstein’s theory of relativity,” the medical doctor declared in the midst of a monologue about how much he loves science because of how much we can learn about …

Posted on January 22, 2016
Be Still Already!
You’re running late. Someone forgot to send that thing you need to meet that deadline tomorrow, so you’re scrambling to figure out something else. Things are tense at work. Bedtime is not happening like it should for these …

Updated on January 15, 2016
Life’s First Cry
I tried to breath as quietly as possibly, as mixed anticipation and excitement in the room grew. Suddenly, amid the other sounds of labor and childbirth, the first cry of a little baby reached my ears. Hearing that …