Tag: God

Corruption and Creativity

Clomp, clomp, clomp.  My high-heeled boots hit the tile floor as I walked.  As if floating on air, my friend lightly ran across the open room towards me, full of excitement.  “Want to see the invitations?” She asked …

Mathematical Proof of God?

“ . . . I can prove God mathematically using Einstein’s theory of relativity,” the medical doctor declared in the midst of a monologue about how much he loves science because of how much we can learn about …

Be Still Already!

You’re running late. Someone forgot to send that thing you need to meet that deadline tomorrow, so you’re scrambling to figure out something else. Things are tense at work. Bedtime is not happening like it should for these …

Life’s First Cry

I tried to breath as quietly as possibly, as mixed anticipation and excitement in the room grew. Suddenly, amid the other sounds of labor and childbirth, the first cry of a little baby reached my ears. Hearing that …

Splendorous Swans

“Look kids! I think that might be a swan with her babies!” I exclaimed, pointing across the pond. My young companions and I wandered around the pond to get a closer look. Sure enough, it was large, graceful …

Created for His Presence

The setting sun lit up western clouds in fiery reds and oranges, contrasting beautifully with the deepening blue of the surrounding sky. A soft September breeze rippled through my loose hair as I slowly walked onward, quietly contemplating …

Park’s Ranch Cave – Part 1

Half excited and half dreading the cold, murky cave waters, I sat down on the wet cave floor and slid down the natural slide into the 55-degree (F) water. I had gotten used to wading through the water …

Through Deep Waters – Caving Adventure

I could feel my entire body quaking as the cold, murky cave water I was wading through crept up over my neck and darkness pressed in all around me. I took off my caving helmet and carried it …

Designed to Do Things His Way

“What’s that?!” I asked when I saw the creature disappearing into the woods. “It’s a woodchuck” my friends explained. I was thrilled – I didn’t remember ever having seen a real woodchuck just running around by the side …

Finding Comfort in Creation

Have you been having a difficult day?  Or one of those weeks where everything just seems to go wrong?  Bad things happen in our sin-cursed world, ranging from small disappointments to major tragedies and everything in between.    Tensions …

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