Tag: science

Updated on March 1, 2019
The Human Factor
How do new findings and research become part of science? There are several steps to scientific method, but in our modern day, one of the most important steps is publishing a peer-reviewed research paper . . .

Updated on June 25, 2016
Fossils in the Field
A snappy breeze broke the intense heat of the mid-afternoon summer sunshine. Rolls of thunder sounded in the distance, now a little closer than before. Looking up at the growing storm clouds, I knew it was time to …

Updated on June 18, 2016
Magnificent Minerals – Part 2
“Is this a fossil? Or petrified wood?”, I was asked during a fossil dig in Kansas last week. After looking at the item of interest, I explained that the find was not a fossil, but the mineral, gypsum. …

Updated on February 12, 2016
Mathematical Proof of God?
“ . . . I can prove God mathematically using Einstein’s theory of relativity,” the medical doctor declared in the midst of a monologue about how much he loves science because of how much we can learn about …

Updated on January 8, 2016
Celebrating a Scientist who Rocked Our World
Beautiful, delicious layer cakes are often used in weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. Monday, January 11, 2016 marks the 378th birthday of Nicolaus Steno, who was a brilliant creation scientist of history, best known for his groundbreaking work …

Updated on December 27, 2015
Measuring Snow – Taking a Core Sample Video
How to measure snow by taking a core sample. Read Sara’s past articles about snow measuring here Full transcript of video: Hello, I’m Sara Bruegel writer of Creation Clues, and today I’m going to show you how to …

Updated on February 17, 2016
Mole Day
Happy Mole Day! Have you ever heard of “Mole Day” before? It’s actually a chemistry holiday –not a holiday to celebrate furry burrowing pests or unique dark spots on your skin. In chemistry, a mole is a very …

Posted on May 29, 2015
Marvelously Made Music, Part 2
Have you ever sung a song that worked fairly well at first, but ended up getting too high-pitched for your range because someone started it uncomfortably high? Or maybe, like this writer, the opposite is more likely to …

Posted on May 22, 2015
Marvelously Made Music, Part 1
Do you love music? Although music is often thought of as an art, there is really a lot of math and science involved in music. As a music-loving geek, I’ve noticed some rather incredible mathematical and scientific beauty …

Posted on February 20, 2015
God’s Rock Garden, Part 1
The picturesque view of Colorado Mountains outlining the distant horizon was suddenly broken by nearby jagged red rocks towering high above us as we approached. The closer we got, the more dramatically the rough rocks loomed from above. …